Footsteps of Paul in Turkey & Greece
Join St. James Coffeehouse on a transformative journey through the ancient lands where St. Paul spread the word of the early Christian church. From the wind-blown plains of southern Turkey to the crystal-clear waters of the Aegean Sea, we visit sites of importance in the 1st century and beyond. We see the cave churches and entire underground dug to avoid persecution. We also see the magnificent ruins of Ephesus, the Parthenon in Athens and Corinth, all places where Paul preached. An optional cruise extension gives us time to enjoy lovely Greek islands, including Patmos where St. John the divine wrote the Book of Revelations and Crete, an island St. Paul visited several times. Space is limited.
Optional Greece Cruise: Oct 24 - 28, 2025
$5,999 per person (double occupancy)
Airfare Included, Faith-Based

