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Egypt Solar EclipseJuly 27 - Aug. 5, 2027

Optional Red Sea Extension • Aug. 5 - 8, 2027  

 Tour Code: EDESE27

What would the ancient Egyptians have thought of an unexplained darkening of the skies? Was the sun god Ra angry or playfully hiding?  Fortunately, travelers on this tour will have explanations from astronomer Dr. James Dire to guide us on our total eclipse experience.  In addition, our expert Egyptologist guide will explain the legends of the gods and goddesses and their interactions with humans in the ancient world.  We visit memorable sites of the pyramids, sphinx, temples and burial tombs and take a Nile River cruise.  Take the optional extension to relax and enjoy the Red Sea coast.  Space is limited for this once in a lifetime experience.  
Tour Cost:
$5,099* per person
double occupancy
*price to be finalized in January 2027
Solar Eclipse (elements furnished by NASA) shutterstock_754083373.jpg
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Business hours:
Mon-Thur  9am-5pm
Fri  9am-3pm
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